Lots of hidden work in this thirty.  Tight turn around, led multiple flame* and Nuke artists to get the job done on time. Used multiple transferred/colored passes while adjusting their tonal values (preserving detail) and the color temperature of the plates to composite the Day-for-Night shot, and created fake dawn light (frame upper left).  For the end pack shot, clients wanted to obscure the clearly visible driver in the red car but due to the camera' big crane move simply darkening the windshield was looking a bit fake. As a solution, I added moving/traveling reflections on the windshield (please check out the Before & After below, thanks).  Will create the Before & After for the Day-for-Night shot as soon as I get a chance.

Agency:       SPARK 44      

Director:     multiple

online + VFX:    union / resolution


Lead Flame


color / look dev


product enhancements

clean Ups / touch ups

rig removal

Online / Finish

mastering / versioning